I’ve got so many links to interesting articles it’s ridiculous. I’ll have another post going up at some point later on in the month too, by the way. Anyway, here are this batch’s links:
- Here is a really interesting reading list. Some science fiction and fantasy, and some other interesting titles.
- What happens to your MMORPG characters when you die? This seems so…bizarre and ridiculous. Is online gaming culture this obsessed? Scratch that, they are, I’m just not ready to face it yet.
- Publiteriat has a great article on three myths in writing. Well worth checking out.
- Sharon’s Share tells us about a site called Ether Pad, which might be useful for collaborative writing projects. Hmm.
- Ivor W. Hartmann: New African genre fiction superstar? You be the judge.
- The Book Publicity Blog talks about sending review copies to bloggers (part two, apparently).
- Centurean2 has an amazingly long and detailed post about the terrible things happening to freedom in England right now. That’s right: England. One of the supposedly free lands. Read it. It’s disturbing and terrifying.
- Jeremiah Tolbert tells us about five books on writing that made him a better writer. Might be worth checking out. He also has a list of five lies writers believe about editors, which is quite humorous and pretty much all true. Oh and don’t forget his argument about why Jason Stoddard is wrong about SF (a bit old, but it’s an interesting argument on both sides).
- Horror World talks about a possible future model for short fiction. It’s interesting and might work.
And that’s it for the links this time around! Hope you found them interesting.
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2 Responses
I just wanted to say that I really enjoy these link posts of yours. I always find interesting stuff to read.
Oh, well that’s good. Gives me good reason to continue them!