What a better way to keep may interesting than to provide a whole bunch more links to nifty articles around the Interwebs? That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. Here goes:
- Want to know how chocolate can save the world? Look no further than this Futurismic article.
- H. R. Williams talks about writing, the present, the future, and much more. It gets a bit religious-y at the end, but mostly Williams makes some great observations.
- SMC Philosophy Club talks about the consequences of time travel. Some old stuff here, but also some good observations and thoughts.
- Futurismic talks about a drug that can drastically improve your ability to recover “lost” memories. Most likely applicable to Alzheimer’s patients, but still wicked awesome!
- Ursela K. LeGuin gives anti-SF people what for. Damn good stuff, even if you don’t like her writing.
- David Kramer has an interesting idea for atheists: protest by putting the Bible into the science fiction section of your local bookstore. It’ll probably get you in trouble, but might be worth trying (and might be a funny joke for anyone who isn’t an atheist).
- China Mieville tells us about fifty SF/F titles that every socialist should read. Crazy list!
- Michio Kaku answers some interesting questions about time travel, robot takeovers and other physics-related things.
- Here’s an interesting video interview with Mahmood Mamdani on the politics of genocide. Might be worth a look if you’re interested in history and the present, and colonialism, of course.
Book Giveaways:
- Booking Mama has a copy of The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams to give away.
- Literary Escapism has a whole lot of books up for grabs to honor Asian Heritage Month and Latino Book Month.
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2 Responses
Um, who doesn’t like Ursula K. LeGuin’s writing?
Shannon: I personally am not much of a fan. Her work is okay, and certainly well-thought, but I find she violates too many “rules” of SF/F for my tastes (way too many instances where descriptions of things go on for pages and pages…).
But I give her props anyway.