SF/F Links: A Little Something For June
Well, I have more links for you all. No need to keep you waiting. Here goes: Want to know what those rejection letters actually mean? Here’s a post about deciphering them. The Magic District talks about objectification in fantasy. Good stuff. Widdershins Wizard offers a critique of fantasy and its cliches. Definitely worth reading. Topless Robot lists 10 blatant Terminator ripoffs. Wow, there are some really bad movies out there. The Torch Online lists the top eight fantasy villains. Darkness is a particular favorite of mine. io9 Lists 13 books that will change the way you look at robots. Some really good titles here. Beam Me Up asks: What is science fiction? They’re obviously not the first or only ones asking this and unfortunately it’s not a topic that will ever have a definitive answer… Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog lists five interesting Peter Pan books. If you like Mr. Pan, you might want to check those out! Pak Tea House links the Taliban to the Borg. Bizarrely amusing. io9 lists the 10 greatest libertarian science fiction books. Some good reading there! Check out the Save the Semi-pro Zine blog! Edward Champion points out some notable books not written by white people. There are some excellent suggestions there. And finally there is this recollection of a particularly horrible experience at a panel at WisCon. Read it. It deals with issues of rape in fiction and people being completely horrible human beings. Thanks goes to Mr. Tan of Bibliophile Stalker and John of SF Signal for pointing me to a handful of the links on this list.