Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Materialism and the Fantasy Genre

Skimming critiques of critiques of capitalism makes you think really interesting things. Take, for example, the concept of materialism and how it relates to the fantasy genre–and more specifically its typical representations found in the big names of the genre. What does magic do to issues of hoarding, to materialism itself, and to general concerns […]

Video Found: Buzz Aldrin Raps

Good lord, this is amazing. I mean, it’s completely and utterly ridiculous, but amazing nonetheless (thanks to Universe Today). Enjoy:

Question to Readers: Content Again

This question will be quick. I’ve received a few emails regarding promotional material and what not–obviously about books. Would you all be okay with a post here or there talking about books coming out, etc.? I don’t expect it to be a frequent thing, since I only have three or four bits of promotional material […]

The Rules of Shelving Books: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Their Literary Friends

David Barnett of The Guardian had an interesting post about science fiction as a label and how certain authors of the more “literary” vein see science fiction in general. It was an interesting article that highlighted the three typical responses to science fiction by “literary” authors: it’s trashy pulp, it’s just a stupid label and […]