Reading Time

An Update of Not-So-Epic Proportions

Because things have been quiet around here, I thought it would be a good idea to let you all know what’s up. So here goes:

During finals week (last week) I had, well, finals on top of packing to move out of my old place to stay with my family for the remainder of my summer before heading off to graduate school. Needless to say, Saturday was a long day. We packed, moved things to storage, packed some more, moved some more, then had graduation (which I apparently didn’t mention before), then had dinner. Then I spent the night at Loopdilou’s place.
The following morning things didn’t go so smoothly. We had hoped to be out of my old place by 10 AM, but my brother forgot to bring the key for the storage unit, so we had to call my grandma to have her bring it up. But that didn’t go according to plan either, and it was only after an hour and a half of trying to get my grandma un-lost did we get things rolling. Needless to say, we ended up about four hours behind schedule.
I was fortunate enough to get an extension on my final paper, though, but only today did I manage to finish it and turn it in. This has been a trying last few weeks, what with four of my lizards now ill (one that is pretty much better now, one that is almost better, one that is looking not quite as bad as before, and one that unfortunately may have to be put down tomorrow due to a sudden case of partial paralysis).
Now that I’m in Oregon, things are moving slowly. I should have the Internet squared away in the next day or so, which will allow me to get back to blogging and doing online things.
That’s basically what’s going on. Hopefully things will right themselves soon. The good news is that now that school is done I can get back to reading and writing full time. That blasted essay was a pain in the butt…
What has everyone else been up to? Any bad days or interesting things happen while I was away? Let me know in the comments! Communication is a good thing.

3 Responses

  1. Your brother left the key behind? Really? Shocking.

    All I can say is – I told you I should have left the other key with you.

    Oh and Congratulations on being a pimp graduate!

  2. Awwww. Sorry to hear about the lizard(s). Hope the others make it. And hell, hope the one you think is a lost cause maybe get's a second wind? All the best until you're back in force –Dave B.

  3. Loopdilou: Yeah, I know. You jinxed us :P.

    Dave: One of them had to be put to sleep yesterday, but the others are doing okay, I think. Thanks for the concern.

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