Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Entrenched Opposition: A Rebuttal (Part Two)

Riadan, one of the commentators on my recent post on science fiction’s battle against an entrenched opposition had some interesting things to say. Since his or her comments were rather long and deserved significant rebuttal and discussion, I thought I would approach them via a dedicated post. So, without further adieu, here goes a (mostly) […]

Disclaimer: Because the FTC are dumbasses…

Since all book bloggers are now required to indicate whether we get books for free, I have put a disclaimer on the top of my right-side sidebar to make sure it is clear that I am one of those that does receive books free of charge. Of course, there is a clever rhyme there (I […]

Terrifying Experiences: A Birthday Present

So, apparently my brain decided to give me a brilliant birthday present. During my pedagogy course, it made the decision to no longer function right at the moment when the professor called on me to give an answer. The sad thing is, the thing we were talking about, and what the professor was getting at, […]