Writing Prompt #7: Comical Imitation

Now that we are in the glorious month of November, it is time for yet another writing prompt. I thought I’d be silly this time around. Here goes: Write a humorous short story in your favorite genre doing your best impression of Douglas Adams. I think this one will be a lot of fun. Go wild, everyone. Seriously! I might have something for this by the end of the month. Have fun, and feel free to let me know if you’re taking part in the comments.

Rekindling WISB: An Idea; Opinions Wanted

Yesterday, I was discussing some writing-related things with a friend of mine when she brought up a problem she was having with finishing her latest novel (second in a series, actually). One thing led to another and I suggested that maybe she could write some short stories in the same world so she could keep things fresh and interesting. She didn’t much care for the idea, but thought it would be a good one for me. And, I agree, sort of. One of my problems with The World in the Satin Bag and its sequel, The Spellweaver of Dern, is that I feel tired of both of them (not the blog, but the novels). Call it character fatigue, or world fatigue, or whatever, but whatever it was that had me clambering to finish The World in the Satin Bag isn’t there anymore. That’s not to say that I’m not interested, just that I don’t have the drive at the moment. So, my idea is to possibly write some short stories set in the world of WISB (Traea), to be posted here, of course. My question is whether any of you would be interested in that. The stories would probably not involve characters from the novels, but it’s possible. Let me know what you think of the idea in the comments section (hate it or love it, or indifferent, doesn’t matter). Anywho!