I Dream of Zombies

And I want to know if anyone else does. We all dream. I know this, and most everyone does. The only thing is that most of us don’t remember our dreams. I usually don’t…unless they’re about zombies. Now, not all of my zombie dreams are scary in the traditional sense. Zombies are always scary, to me, but my dreams tend to have me fighting off zombies and rescuing damsels in distress and other such nonsense. I almost always lead a resistance of some description, and then I wake up never finding out if I succeeded. I suspect that these dreams explain why I find zombie movies both thrilling and terrifying (with exception to a handful of zombie movies that are so terrible they’re not even funny). Still, it’s a tad disconcerting to find yourself afflicted with inmortusomnia (that’s my fancy made up medical term for dreaming about the undead). Maybe I’m not the only one. Anyone else dream of zombies?

I’ve Been Interviewed!

Harry Markov over at Temple Library Reviews has officially posted his interview with me. Go check it out. It’s awesome, and not because it’s me, but because it’s, well, it’s just awesome, and fun.In other news, I have two small things coming up: a quick plug for a cool new site I learned about through the University of Florida and a Book Magnet promo for a bit of cyberpunk goodness. I hope you all will enjoy them. And that’s enough from me. Have a good night. So say we all.