Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Magazine Review: Interzone #224

I recently reviewed issue #224 of Interzone and want to offer a few more kind words about the magazine. It’s high quality both in form and content, and I think one of the goals of Interzone needs to be to expand into the global market in as many formats as possible. While digital forms are […]

Ignorance is Bliss: More Self-Publishing Nonsense

It amazes me the things people say about the publishing industry. I often wonder if there’s a magical world that some of these folks live in that I somehow missed the train to get to. It’s almost like an anti-publishing psychosis that leads certain individuals to spout nonsense as if it’s fact. I liken this […]

Movie Spotlight: Duel of the Overmen

A recently received an email about this independent short film and thought I’d toss it out there for you all to see. It looks like an interesting concept, with a hint of intentional campiness thrown in for good measure. Might be worth spending half an hour watching when it comes out. For now, here’s the […]