Top 20 Posts For 2009
Well, lots of other folks are doing it, so I thought I would to. Here are the top twenty posts of the year for The World in the Satin Bag. Oddly enough, some of these posts were top posts last year, and have been at the top since I posted them. Don’t ask me why. Some folks are obsessed, I guess. I’ve included the posting dates for the heck of it (and, yes, the number 22 is strangely prominent). Here’s the list: Steampunk Reading List? (Jan. 27, 2009) Reader Question: The Alien Exit (Aug. 21, 2009) A Collective Chillpill For RaceFail, GenderFail, et. al. (Aug. 22, 2009) The Rules of Shelving Books: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Their Literary Friends (June 22, 2009) Oh Sweet NASA (Mar. 22, 2008) Ten Things That Make Me Stop Reading (Feb. 16, 2009) Misconceptions About Star Wars (Dec. 30, 2008) The Terminator Movies: Why the robots lost…badly (Sept. 2, 2008) An Aside: Anime, Space Opera, and Space Westerns (Aug. 8, 2009) Top 7 Science Fiction Sidekicks (in Film) (July 19, 2009) Eight Guilty Pleasures in Science Fiction and Fantasy (July 22, 2009) Top 6 Lesser Known or Forgotten Fantasy Series (July 14, 2009) Movie Review: Star Trek (Why It Sucks and Why Abrams Needs To Stop) (May 15, 2009) Top 5 Science Fiction Leading Ladies (July 27, 2009) SF/F Links: February Roundup Part Two (Feb. 29, 2009) Top 10 Cats in Science Fiction and Fantasy (July 15, 2009) What if dragons were real? (Aug. 10, 2007) Werewolves and Misconceptions About Science Fiction (Nov. 27, 2008) eReaders: Comparison Study (Sept. 23, 2008) Top Ten Fantasy Movies (Feb. 7, 2009) I’m not sure what continues to drive people to some of the my older posts (particularly #4), but I guess there’s something about them that keeps folks fascinated. I am also surprised by some of the dates (22, for example), but I also have no idea what to make of that too. So there you go. Enjoy!
Video Found: 156 Countries Sing Together
This video just about made me cry. It’s beautiful and it’s a reminder that there are still good people all over the world, all capable of setting aside petty differences to unite for a common goal. I think our governments could learn a thing or two from them. Anyway, the video is meant to raise awareness about AIDS. It’s a Starbucks project, apparently, but don’t let that ruin it for you. They’ve raised millions of dollars to help people afflicted with HIV in Africa, and this video is a part of that project. You can learn more about it and how you can help here. Enjoy (click the read more to see the video):