RIP: Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper passed away today from prostate cancer in his home. We all remember Hopper for his various crazy roles in film, genre or otherwise. He had roles in Apocalypse Now, Hoosiers, Speed and the less-than-spectacular Waterworld and Super Mario Bros. I have fond memories of Hopper, even if I didn’t like some of the movies he made. Needless to say, some of the worst movies he was in were made bearable by his presence.He will be missed!

Note: Update on Security Warnings (on this site)

I’ve done a lot more work to find out what’s been going on and had a friend who has more knowledge about Internet things look over on the site. Both of us show nothing wrong with WISB. At best I suspect that what happened was a fluke (a site external to my own who I link to might have had an attack or some such or Google got it wrong and nothing is going on at all). We might never know what happened. In any case, the warnings have ceased appearing for me. My understanding is that they have not for everyone else. I don’t know what that means, but if you continue to get warnings from this site beyond Monday, please don’t hesitate to email me at arconna [at] yahoo [dot] com or send an @ message to my Twitter account. Thanks for your patience!

Note: Temporarily Out of Service

I wanted to give you all a heads up. My blog was recently hacked or something. I’m getting a lot of Malware notices for the pages for various posts, but not for the main page. I have no idea what’s going on, but, rest assured, I’m working on fixing it. My apologies for the inconvenience. Stick around. Once I get it fixed, everything will be back to normal and you won’t have to worry about your Internet safety. Thanks!