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Top 10 Most Commented-on Posts on WISB

The last few years have been really sporadic and crazy on this blog. It’s interesting to see which posts people find most intriguing, which is where this list comes from. So, without wasting any more of your time, here are the top 10 most commented-on posts on WISB:

  1. Science Fiction / Fantasy Awards: The Hugos and Others Things — 23 comments
  2. Book Review: The Tower of Shadows by Drew Bowling — 24 comments
  3. The Top 10 Cats in Science Fiction and Fantasy — 25 comments
  4. A Collective Chillpill For RaceFail — 25 comments
  5. Misconceptions About Star Wars — 26 comments
  6. Five Reasons Fantasy is Better Than Science Fiction — 29 comments
  7. 1000th Post Massive Giveaway — 39 comments
  8. Werewolves and Misconceptions About Science Fiction — 46 comments
  9. Movie Review: Star Trek (Why It Sucks and Why Abrams Needs to Stop) — 65 comments
  10. Self-Publishing: A Clarification (for those that don’t know) — 72 comments
And there you go. I was actually surprised that some of these were so high up. The fun things you learn about your work!

4 Responses

  1. I just came across your blog through your Book Habits post (which I plan on doing as well later today) and wanted to chime in with my agreement on how surprising it can be to discover which posts bring in the most traffic. I've been blogging now for about 9 months and the post that seems to draw the most traffic to my site is a short piece I wrote about Peter Pan for a Meme, which brings in readers on a regular basis although I wrote it months ago. I don't think I even wrote anything particularly memorable. Go figure.

  2. Simcha: It is. The interesting thing is that the posts on this list aren't my heavy hitters in terms of visits. In fact, the one post that draws the most visitors, still, to this day, is the one I did years ago about this fake dragon in a jar they found in Europe or some place. I get so many hits to that for almost no reason.

    I think for me, most of my most-commented-on posts were more controversial ones. I should probably write more stuff in that vein 😛

  3. I also find that discussion topics receive more comments than other posts, though I'm not brave enough to actually post anything really controversial. But I do think I will try to find a way to insert Petr Pan into all of my posts from now on, after seeing how much traffic his name brings 🙂 And now I must go check out your piece on the fake dragon in the jar…

  4. Simcha: The piece of the fake dragon wasn't even really mine. I saw an article about it and asked what it would be like if dragons were real. It's old and not particularly intelligent, but there are apparently only two places to find that darned picture these days, and one of them is mine. So, everyone seems to come to my post. It's weird.

    Let me know if you can't find it.

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