Science Fiction and (Real) Advertisements: WTF?

You’ll have to forgive me for bringing attention to something several years old, but I discovered the following advertisement while borrowing the special edition of the movie Jumper from the University of Florida library, and it threw me for a loop. I have no doubt that such things are not original. Still, the concept of an advertisement like this is alien to me (after the fold):Apparently General Tire is the choice for jumpers. I didn’t know that. Did you? And with them, anywhere is possible. That’s a bold claim. Joking aside, what is curious about this is how serious the advertisement takes its premise, so much so that you don’t get the impression that the ad is making a mockery of the product or Jumper. The ad is certainly being facetious, though; that has more to do with the fact that this is an advertisement for tires than it does with the fact that it’s an advertisement targeted at a fictional audience (jumpers). We see the same sort of amusing tone in advertisements geared towards women, men, kids, and so on for products ranging from incredibly useful to downright silly. So, am I being ridiculous by thinking this is a very weird thing indeed, or is it really as unusual as I think? Have you seen ads like this before?

Video Found: Outliers (Short Film)

Imperfect as this video is, it did scare the crap out of me. You’ll know why when you watch it. In any case, the idea is really cool. I’m not 100% sure what happened, but whatever did happen had me thinking and curious to see more. See for yourself (after the fold):OUTLIERS from MONDIAL CREATIVE LABS on Vimeo.

Memorial Day: A Quick Note

I’ve said similar things before, but because today is the day we honor our fallen friends who have served the United States of America, I am going to say a few things before the night ends. I am eternally grateful for those men and women who served in the United States military and gave their lives for whatever cause (our freedom or someone else’s). It matters not whether you participated in a war that we now disagree with or condemn, because, to me, you did nothing but what you were supposed to do when you took that oath to serve as a soldier or pilot or what have you, and when your country said, “We need you,” you didn’t say, “Sorry, I won’t have any of that.” You took up your pens and rifles and ships and planes and so on and did your duty, and many of you died or will die as a result. Not many people can say they have that kind of dedication to a cause or nation or people or anything. So, to the men and women currently serving in the U.S. military: thank you; there are few people I can say are true heroes, and military people make up 99% of all heroes in my book. To the men and women who have died, who have left behind families and may or may not be able to see this, depending on your belief in the afterlife: thank you; you, like the men and women who are still here on this planet, are heroes, and you deserve more respect than you have collectively been given by the nation you sacrificed yourself for.That is all. Happy Memorial Day…