Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Haul of Books 2010: Stuff For Me v.10

It’s been a while since I last posted a Haul of Books. The following books are pretty much the last ones I have for an independent study I’m doing on Caribbean science fiction. Some of them are probably not actually SF, but I’m going with a fairly loose definition on purpose (otherwise I’d have nothing […]

RIP: Sweetie

Some weeks ago I had to take my leopard gecko (Sweetie) in to have a growth removed. It turned out to be an infection, but the vets managed to get the stuff out and she seemed to be recovering nicely. Then a little over a week ago she stopped eating and became lethargic. We put […]

Calling All Readers: Help Me Name My Pet Fern!

I brought a new friend home with me today. It’s a Boston fern (I think). A friend of a friend decided to dig one up out of the latter friend’s yard after hearing me talk about how I was thinking of getting a plant for my apartment. Now I have one, and I want your […]