I think I’ve mentioned a number of times on my Twitter account that I have been working on an essay on the television show V (the new one) and the movie District 9. Well, that essay is now officially published and available to read online on Crimethink: Politics and Speculative Fiction.
The table of contents for the project is as follows:
Politics on the Page
“No News Is Good News: What Science Fiction Leaves Out of the Future #1” by Gary Westfahl
“War: What Is It Good For?” by Lisa Agnew
“Space Opera Rules; But By Whom?” by Ross Hamilton
Speculative Ideologies
“Reason, Sexuality, and the Self in Libertarian Science Fiction Novels” by Greg Beatty
“Speculative Fiction & Political Struggle: The ‘New Wave’ of the 60s & 70s” by Jordan Humphreys
Recent Media
“The Future’s Bright? A Review of Shine: An Anthology of Optimistic Science-Fiction” by Deborah Walker
“Political Allegory: Receptions and Their Implications in V and District 9” by Shaun Duke (that’s me!)
Race and Gender Politics
“Engendering Utopia: From Amazons to Androgyny” by Ruth Nestvold and Jay Lake
“Aliens at the Office Christmas Party: How to Write Subtle Discrimination” by Romie Stott
“Transracial Writing for the Sincere” by Nisi Shawl
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2 Responses
Great job buddy!
Eh, no sweat. I'm just awesome like that.