Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

The Problem With “Great” Science Fiction

Twitter is abuzz today with an io9 article called “What are the ingredients for great science fiction?”  I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by this, since many of us in the SF community are constantly amused, obsessed, and/or perplexed by the attempt to define the “great” in the title.  On some level, it’s probably good […]

Haul of Books 2010: Stuff For Me v.24 (Derrida Edition)

I have a few more lovely books for school that I want to let you all know about, although it occurs to me that these may be of even less interest to most of you than they are to me, since they’re not even genre-based.  But  who am I to say what you’re all interested […]

A Brief Linking to the Manifesto of No-Consequence

I’m contemplating whether I want to say something more about this fellow’s counter-boycott against those who have condemned Elizabeth Moon over her recent comments on Islam (you can read what I’ve had to say about consumer activism in relation to literature here).  The level of hypocrisy, intellectual vacuity (the argument of no-consequence, specifically), and repetition […]