Crimethink SF in Print (proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders)!

You all might remember that I had an essay published a few months ago in Crimethink:  Politics and Speculative Fiction.  You might also remember that I mentioned the upcoming print edition for charity purposes.  Well, that print edition is officially here, and it’s only $6.99!  The best thing about it is that all proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders, which is a fantastic organization. Copies are available here (or Amazon).  Please get a copy or two and help out. Here’s the cover image and some information about the book (the image is small right now because the only large image I can find is on Amazon, and you can’t cut it out of their “Look Inside” feature.  I’m working on getting a bigger image for you all): Crimethink contains essays by Jay Lake, Gary Westfahl, Deborah Walker, Nisi Shawl, Greg Beaty, Romie Stott, Lisa Agnew, Ross Hamilton, Jordan Humphreys, and myself. Yes, the collection is awesome.  Yes, you have to buy it if you’re my friend.  Yes, I will disown you if you don’t, because it’s not about me, but the folks at Doctors Without Borders.  Okay, so you don’t have to buy it if you don’t want to, but you could at least donate a few bucks to DWB.