New Poll: How do you feel about book bannings?

I thought it would be nice to have a poll about book bannings, since that’s what everyone has been talking about for the past week. So, how do you feel about book bannings?  You can leave your answer on the poll, which you can find on the left sidebar, or you can leave a detailed explanation in the comments for this post. Vote away!

Poll Results: Which eReader is the best on the market today?

A few weeks ago I put up a poll about eReaders to see what you all thought were the best on the market.  Now for the results: 27% said the B&N Nook 53% said the Amazon Kindle 7% said the Sony Reader 13% said the iPad 0% said the Cruz Reader, the Kobo, and Mobiles I’m somewhat amused by these results.  There’s been a lot of talk in the last year or so about how great mobile phones are for reading books, ad yet nobody selected that as an option from the list.  I suspect this is because many of you subconsciously or consciously took “the best” to also mean “the best suited for the job.” But that’s a guess on my part. Note:  I’m surprised the Nook is so low on the list.  It’s #2, but being an proud and happy owner of one of those little devices, I have to admit that it’s really a wonderful thing.  I think it’s the best of the ones I’ve seen so far. Anywho.  Thanks for voting!  There will be a new poll up later today!