Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

The Skiffy and Fanty Show, Interjection A is live!

We have a short episode this week due to computer problems (namely, with Jen’s).  This week I talk about zombies, fantasy awards, digital piracy nonsense, and silly things political talk show hosts say about science fiction books. If you’d like to check out the episode (it’s about 16 minutes), you can do so here. Thanks!

Haul of Books 2010: Stuff For Me v.25

Some things I’ve learned over the past few months: The mailman is a moron and thinks very thick books that obviously don’t fit into my mailbox should instead be folded up and crammed in there anyway. People have my address who shouldn’t and are at least kind enough to send me things I like instead […]