Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

“Colonizing Space” is a Dirty Phrase: Stop Using It

The term “colonize” is not neutral.  It’s an impossibly negative term.  It immediately references an extensive socio-political, socio-economic, racialized, and vile process that still churns its wheels today.  Colonialism always was and always will be an exploitative model which privileges dominant socio-economic groups (I hesitate to say “Western” here, though it would be fair to […]

Haul of Books 2011: Stuff For Me v.01

Considering that I just got back from a conference in which books were involved, it seems like perfect timing to have a new edition of the Haul of Books. So, without further delay, here is the image (after the fold): And here are the descriptions, from left to right, top to bottom (taken from Amazon): […]

The Eaton Conference: Day Three — Idea Overload B

(You can read about Day One and Day Two here and here.) Day Three The third day of the Conference (technically the second and last day of the event, which only ran from Friday to Saturday) proved to be both intellectually exciting and terrifying.  We first attended a panel called “Neocolonialism, Global Capitalism, and Monstrous […]