The Skiffy and Fanty Show #3.4 is Live! (Brain Batteries and Star Wars Sexism)

A new episode with an amusing topic:  brain batteries, FBI blunders, and the oddness of the representations of women in the Star Wars universe.  We share a few laughs, shed a few tears, and generally have a good time. Feel free to check out the episode! Also:  help us pick the next Torture Cinema movie; if you haven’t voted already, please do so here.  You’ll be torturing us for your own amusement.  We promise!

Mr. Library: What Have You Got Checked Out?

We all know that libraries are under attack these days, and I intend to do my part to show their importance by checking out books (because I have some delusion that using the library is somehow recorded and then sent to evil government people who are forced to reconsider cutting library funds because people actually use the library). Here’s what I currently have checked out:  Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises (DVD) Ghostbusters (DVD)(it was awesome) Once Upon a Time in the West (DVD) Mythologies by Roland Barthes Globalization and Utopia:  Critical Essays edited by Patrick Hayden and Chamsy el-Ojeili The Search For Philip K. Dick by Anne R. Dick A Companion to The Crying of Lot 49 by J. Kerry Grant A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway Alone Against Tomorrow:  Stories of Alienation and Speculative Fiction by Harlan Ellison American War Poetry:  An Anthology edited by Lorrie Goldensohn Carrying the Darkness:  the Poetry of the Vietnam War edited by W. D. Ehrhart The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon Postmodern American Poetry:  a Norton Anthology edited by Paul Hoover The Postmoderns:  the New American Poetry Revised edited by Donald Allen The Sunset Limited:  a Novel in Dramatic Form by Cormac McCarthy The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway A History of Literary Criticism:  from Plato to the Present by M. A. R. Habib Nanyo-Orientalism:  Japanese Representations of the Pacific by Naoto Sudo Teaching Literature by Elaine Showalter That’s one hell of a list, don’t you think?  I had others checked out a few weeks ago, but decided to return them.  I’m hoping to work through most of these this month.  You won’t hear anything about them, though, since most of them aren’t of interest to you all (postmodern poetry is hardly SF/F). In the interest of prying into your lives, though, I want to know what books you currently have checked out from the library.  Family’s count (I’m looking at you, Jen)!

Adam’s First Pro-Sale — “Resolution” — Congrats, Buddy!

In the interest in plugging things for friends, I would like to point you all to my friend Adam’s first ever pro publication over at AE!  The story is called “Resolution,” the publication of which Adam has to thank me, since I critiqued the hell out of it.  Or maybe I’m exaggerating my involvement… In any case, check out the story and let Adam know what you think on his blog! Congrats, man!