Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

A Game of Thrones: Episode Two (“The Kingsroad”)

When I initially began watching HBO’s adaptation of A Game of Thrones, I was very interested, but not blown away.  That feeling fell to the wayside with “The Kingsroad” (and, as I remarked in my review of “Winter is Coming,” much of what I had issues with seemed to dim upon a second viewing). The […]

A Lack of Inspiration (Or: the Boring Things I Think About Doing on Here)

The last few weeks have been rather trying on my blogging brain.  I’ve had very little to talk about that I felt was worthy of the time and many of the discussions going around the community have become slightly repetitive, if not truly, then at least in my head.  I suppose some of this has […]