The title says it all. My writing website, Young Writers Online, has been included in Writer’s Digest‘s list of best websites for writers for 2011! This is phenomenal news for me, my staff, and the members of YWO.
YWO has been around since 2007. In the last four years, we’ve done some amazing things:
- Published a magazine (Survival By Storytelling)
- Created the Young Writers Award (and awarded it — $250 last year)
- The YWO Writing Olympics (year two is happening in a few weeks)
- Hosted numerous writing contests
- Most importantly: managed a wonderful community for young writers (constructive criticism included!)
Much more has been done in the past, and much more is yet to occur. The years are being very kind to YWO.
So congrats to all the members of the site who made YWO a great place to be, to my staff, and, I suppose, to me for managing the place (though I don’t feel as though I do terribly much).
The # is largely irrelevant, since the list is divided into sections/types rather than a countdown list. We’re in the Online Writing Communities section alongside places like Critique Circle, Absolute Write, Critters Workshop, and NaNoWriMo!
Needless to say, I’m super happy!
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4 Responses
I don't suppose you could check to see if any of these made the list:
Every Day Fiction
Every Day Poets
Flash Fiction Chronicles
Raygun Revival
This link just returns a blank page:
Yeah, their website is lagging behind the magazine for some reason.
I checked and none of them are listed, but that's largely because it's a listing of sites of use to writers, rather than sites which serve as literature publications.
But maybe they'll do a best online zine list some day?
They've already done that, and all our sites showed up. I was just wondering if we showed up in this list too.
Thanks for checking!
No problem, kind sir 🙂