WISB Podcast: Chapter Eight (Swords and Things)
It’s here! The next chapter. Thanks for your patience. I told you I’d get it up in the morning, and so I have. Things are, of course, heating up for yet another major plot point, which you’ll get in Chapter Nine. This chapter finds James meeting his first physical challenge, one which could make or break him if he isn’t up to the task. Chapter Eight — Download (mp3) Thanks for listening. (Don’t forget to check out what I’ve done to sweeten the pot for anyone who donates to the project. So far, four people have donated, bringing me over the first milestone. New story coming to you soon! Thanks to everyone who is supporting this project!) (All podcast chapters will be listed on the Podcast page.)
WISB Podcast: Running Late
I wanted to let everyone know that I’m running late on getting the next episode up. The chapter is edited, but I didn’t get home until a lot later than I had expected. As such, I won’t be able to get the episode up tonight, in part because I don’t want to record my voice so late at night. At 9 PM, it’s not a problem, but it’s after 11 at the moment and I like to avoid pissing off my neighbors, even though they don’t show me the same courtesy. But there is good news: I will catch up tomorrow. I’ve split Ch. 8 into two chapters anyway, which means I can release the first half (now just Ch. 8) tomorrow (before noon) and the second half (now Ch. 9) at some point in the early evening. I’m not going to stay behind this early in the project (mostly because I know it will become much more difficult to keep the day-by-day schedule once June comes to a close). Thanks for your support and understanding!