Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Why I’m Going Indie: An Anti-Self-Publisher’s Perspective

Longtime readers of this blog will be aware of my harsh opinions about self-publishing.  The title of this post is intentionally inflammatory to highlight a point which I hope will be clear by the end of this post. I consider myself exceedingly critical of the concept of self-publishing, not because I think SPing is inherently […]

WISB Podcast: Chapter Twelve (Of Tunnels and Pitch)

The new episode is here. My apologies for the delay. I explain why I waited so long to put up the 12th chapter at the end of the podcast. In any case, now that things have gone terribly wrong in Traea, James and his companions (Darl and Pea) make their escape. But the tunnels under […]