The New Writing/Editing/Podcasting/Reviewing Agenda/Plan/Thing (Yeah)

Reading Time

The last few weeks have been nothing short of crazy.  My sister spent two weeks (ish) in town, which was great because I’ve only seen her all of four hours in the last two years.  Likewise, the school season started up again, putting me head first into a poetry/film course that (let’s face it) is way outside of my area of expertise (though I’ve been inspired to write some pretty nutty poetry as of late, which Adam Callaway has read and subsequently went nutty over — you can read more about that on my Google+ page).  I’m also teaching a Survey in American Literature course, which is an amazing experience, but also a good deal of work.

The result of all these events has been a pitiful output of writing-ness, which includes, in partial-list form, the following:

  • Editing on WISB chapters are behind my proposed schedule
  • WISB Podcast chapters, subsequently, are behind my proposed schedule
  • WISB Podcast funding updates have yet to be announced (ANNOUNCEMENT:  I made it!)
  • All writing in general is at a complete standstill, with the exception of poetry (something I rarely do and never thought I would do in any significant form)
  • Behind on my reading
  • Behind on reviewing (I swear, Strange Horizons, a review is coming to you for Harbor by Lindqvist!)
  • The articles I’m supposed to be working on for my academic career are way behind too
  • Plenty of other things are behind too…
This is unacceptable.  Completely and utterly unacceptable.  So, I’m going to do the following to resolve this:
  • Limit my Internet usage time
    It should be easy to manage with my girlfriend going on vacation, which opens up my evenings; I can devote more time to catching up, while missing her terribly.
  • Set blogging “time limits”
    I shouldn’t spend more than an hour doing blogging things, including things for The Skiffy and Fanty Show.  This means I’ll have to get quick at writing my TV/movie reviews, rather than spending hours doing them.
  • Set reviewing time
    I need to write a review a week, or more.  And I need to get better at writing reviews…time limits might help.
  • Set reading time
    Because I need to read more.
  • Set academic-stuff time
    Because I need to finish those articles!
  • Make sure when I am studying, prepping lectures, and so on, that I am only doing that
    Why?  Because when I do these things, I find myself doing lots of other things too, like wasting time wandering the Internet.
I don’t know what these limits and what not are going to look like, but I think it’s safe to say that I will put a lot of extra time into editing to get caught up on WISB.  I’m behind.  I don’t like it.  At all.
So there you have it.  That’s my mini manifesto thing.

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