If you haven’t received an email from them yet, then you’ll be surprised to learn about all the fun things Tor Books will be up to at the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con.
Thursday, July 21st
· 10am – 11am #Torchat, live from Comic-Con! With @tdelucci (Theresa Delucci, Ad/promo Manager & Tor.com blogger), @Laura_FitzG (Laura Fitzgerald, Digital Mktg Coordinator) @opattyg (Patty Garcia, Director of Publicity) and @jgolenbo (Justin Golenbock, Senior Publicist Extraordinaire)
· 12pm Tor Booth signing with Carrie Vaughn, author of New York Times bestselling Kitty Norville series, signing copies of Kitty Goes to War. Booth #2707
· 12pm – 1pm Putting the “Epic” in “Epic Fantasy: Writing to excite! Room 6A
With Brandon Sanderson (The Way of Kings), Peter Orullian (The Unremembered), George R.R. Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, Kevin J. Anderson and others. Moderated by Michael Spradlin.
1:30pm – 2:30pm Signing in the autographing area, AA8
· 2:45pm Tor Booth signing with Brandon Sanderson, signing Mistborn. Five lucky fans will win an Advanced Readers Copy of his new book Alloy of Law, coming in November. Booth #2707
· 4pm – 5pm No Damsels in Distress Here: Female voices in sci-fi/fantasy create kick-ass heroines. Room 25ABC. With Carrie Vaughn (Kitty’s Big Trouble), Seanan McGuir, Sherrilyn Kenyon and others. Moderated by Maryelizabeth Hart of Mysterious Galaxy.
5:30pm – 6:30pm Signing in the autographing area, AA2
· 5pm Tor Booth signing with Tony Gonzales, IP Development Manager at CCP Games and author of Eve: Empyrean Age and the upcoming Eve: Templar One (December). Booth #2707
Friday, July 22nd: Videogame Day
Tor has positioned themselves as the industry leader within this burgeoning subgenre of science fiction via an expanded program of stand-alone novels that flesh out virtual worlds with original stories through partnerships with industry-leading videogame developers, established writers, and prominent gaming studios. This year we take over and get our own panel! We’ll also be giving away Halo and Dragon Age messenger bags all day!
· 10am – 11am Writing in Videogames: In-game, novels, comics, & other franchise-building offshoots. Room 32AB. With Greg Bear (Halo: Cryptum), Karen Traviss (Halo: Glasslands), David Gaider (Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne, Dragon Age: The Calling), John Shirley (Bioshock: Rapture), Tony Gonzales (EVE: The Empyrean Age, EVE: Templar One), Frank O’Connor (Chief of 343 Industries, Halo: Evolutions) and Kevin Grace (Managing Editor of 343 Industries, Halo: Evolutions). Moderated by Matt Staggs of Suvudu.com.
11:30am – 12:30am Signing in the autographing area, AA2
· 12pm Tor Booth signing with Bram Stoker Award winner John Shirley, signing copies of Bioshock: Rapture, the prequel story to the award-winning and bestselling video game franchise. Booth #2707
· 2pm Tor Booth signing with multiple Hugo and Nebula Award winner Greg Bear, #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Travis, Frank O’Connor, Chief of 343 Industries, and Kevin Grace, Managing Editor of 343 Industries, signing copies of Halo: Evolutions. Booth #2707
· 5pm Tor Booth signing with David Gaider, lead writer on the award-winning role-playing game Dragon Age: Origins among others, signing copies of Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne. Booth #2707
Saturday, July 23rd
· 12pm Tor Booth signing with the iconic Vernor Vinge! This fall will finally see the release of The Children of the Sky, the long awaited follow up to Hugo Award winning A Fire Upon the Deep. Never read it? Stop by the booth and get a copy signed by the wonderful author himself! Booth #2707
· 3pm The Long Man give-away by comic legend, Steve Englehart. Booth #2707
· 5pm Tor Booth signing with legendary George R.R. Martin! Originally created in 1987 and long before Martin became a household name, George R. R. Martin and Melinda Snodgrass’ Wild Cards series earned a reputation for its smart reimagining of the superhero idea. Martin & Snodgrass will be joined by other contributors including Carrie Vaughn, Carolyn Spector and Daniel Abraham. Note: Martin will only sign copies of Inside Straight; limit one copy per person. Booth #2707
Sunday, July 24th
· 10:30am Wildcards Sunday Morning, Moderated by George R.R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass. With Paul Cornell, David Anthony Durham, Carrie Vaughn, Daniel Abraham & Caroline Spector. A Tor exclusive!
12pm – 1pm Signing in the Autographing area AA8
· 12pm Dreadnought giveaway by steampunk high priestess, Cherie Priest. Booth #2707
· 12pm – 1pm Speculative Fiction: Space odyssey, alien encounters and future worlds Room 25ABC. With Vernor Vinge (The Children of the Sky), Greg Bear (Halo: Cryptum), Timothy Zahn and others. Moderated by Maryelizabeth Hart of Mysterious Galaxy.
1:30pm – 2:30pm Signing in the autographing area AA8
· 2pm – 3pm Tor Booth signing with comic legends Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham! We’re proud to announce the publication of Down the Mysterly River, Willingham’s first book for young readers to be published by Starscape (Tor’s younger sibling) this fall. Willingham &; Buckingham (hey that rhymes!) will sign one of four specially designed postcards featuring art from the upcoming book. A Comic-Con exclusive!
*All Tor Booth signings are on a first come first serve basis and while supplies lasts. Limit one book per person.
So there you have it. If you’re going to be at Comic-Con (wish I could be), you should check out some of the Tor events. I’m sure they’ll be amazing!
Promo Bits: Tor at Comic-Con — the Schedule
Reading Time
If you haven’t received an email from them yet, then you’ll be surprised to learn about all the fun things Tor Books will be up to at the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con.
They include (taken from the email):
And (the schedule of Tor-related events):
So there you have it. If you’re going to be at Comic-Con (wish I could be), you should check out some of the Tor events. I’m sure they’ll be amazing!
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