Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

WIP: “A Winter in Starlight” (An Excerpt)

I’ve been working on a post-cyberpunk space battle type story for Bryan Schmidt, who has an anthology coming out soon called Space Battles (presumably that’s the final title).  The following is connected, distantly, to a cyberpunk universe I’ve been semi-developing via short stories.  Those of you who have read my short fiction will know that […]

RIP: Noodles “Odin” Duke

Yesterday was a shit day, to put it bluntly.  Most of you know that one of my leopard geckos has been suffering from an eye infection for a long time (the better part of three years, if not longer).  He’s been to the veterinarian so many times since I moved to Gainesville that almost everyone […]