Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

A Short Story Wants to Get Away From Me

Earlier this week, I started writing a short story entitled “The Girl Who Flew on a Whale” as part of my WISB Podcast project.  The story, as my friend Adam Callaway remarked, is a whimsical fantasy for young readers (chapbook level).  I’ve always wanted to write a story like this.  They’re fun to read and […]

Book Review: “Gates (Variations)” by Larry Niven (from Gateways)

I’m sensing a pattern in Gateways.  One really good story, followed by a bad one, followed by a good one, and so on and so forth.  Larry Niven’s “Gates” is one of those bad ones.  Split between two perspectives — a science fiction writer talking about the singularity/Bill Gates and Bill Gates making the decision […]