Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Movie (Mini) Review: Chocolate (Thai Martial Arts Flick of Awesome)

(I originally posted this mini-rant on Google+, but figured those of you who don’t bother with all that social networking B.S. would also be interested.) I just finished watching a martial arts movie called Chocolate.  The movie itself is pretty awesome:  it’s about girl whose autism allows her to learn fighting styles at a young […]

SandF #6.1 (An Interview w/ Michaele Jordan) is Live!

Another episode is coming your way from The Skiffy and Fanty Show.  This week, Jen and I interview author Michaele Jordan (Mirror Maze).  Topics include:  Victorian pulp fiction, Victorian morality, names, mysticism, and a lot of other cool stuff you all need to listen to. If you want to get the episode, you can do […]