Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Weekly Roundup #7: The Skiffy and Fanty Show / Duke and Zink Do America

I’m back with some updates!  This week is entirely about podcast-ery stuff, which you should all listen to if you are so inclined.  Interviews, politics, and lots of SF/F!  Good times… Enough with my introductions… First: Over at SandF, Jen and I have released the actual interview with Stina Leicht, author of And Blue Skies […]

#NaPoWriMo Entry #4: “A Quiet Gap Builds”

Today’s entry is one of those personal entries — at least, it’s related in some way to personal nonsense.  Read at your own risk.  (Note:  I will probably have some political nonsense tomorrow.  Just a warning…) Here goes: A quiet gap builds between the royal pair, a prince and a prince with imaginary titles in […]