The Hugo Awards: Mission Fanzine
A few folks have raised some interesting questions/ideas over on my post about the nominees for the Hugo Awards. I suspect I will explore these topics again in the future. The one thing I did want to remedy about my comments is my dismissive nature of the fanzines. It seems rather silly of me to dismiss fanzines simply because nobody I know is talking about them, etc.. I rarely do that for any other category, so why should I do it with fanzines? In other words: I am going to read some of the fanzines on the list with the intention of getting to know what they are all about. This will include The Drink Tank, Journey Planet, File 770, and, if I can find it, Banana Wings. SF Signal is already in my feed reader, so they will get read as per normal. I will read at least one issue from each and reassess the category. I may not change my mind about which of the nominees I prefer, but at least I’ll be able to say why from an educated position. So there you have it. My silly new mission. I blame Christopher J. Garcia for this; he’s too nice of a guy for me to ignore! (If anyone has a copy of Banana Wings, or knows where I can find it in an electronic form, please let me know. I cannot find it anywhere…)