Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

#NaPoWriMo Entry #13: “Chickadee”

I don’t feel like prefacing this with a grand explanation.  I’m having a shit day. So here’s a poem I wrote for NaPo.  That is all: “Chickadee” A chickadee fee-bees into the monstrous sea-green sleeves reaching up for the sun: a photosynthesis love song. But no voices hear him, for the grasslands are barren. His […]

I Would Ride a Unicorn (Maybe Even in a Dress)(Or, Hey, Gender Paradigms in SF/F!)

Fantasy Book Cafe has been releasing some fascinating articles in celebration of its “Women in SF/F” month (thing, event?).  One such article by the always-compelling N. K. Jemisin, entitled “Don’t Fear the Unicorn,” concerns Jemisin’s personal struggle with the culturally-imposed gender paradigms in genre fiction.  Specifically, girly unicorns of girly-ness on the cover of Steven […]