Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Book Review: Lost Everything by Brian Francis Slattery

Reviewing Slattery’s Lost Everything will seem rather convenient in light of Elizabeth Bear’s Clarkesworld post on the doom and gloom nature of SF.  How awful of me to love another work that makes us all sad and boo hoo inside!  Except Lost Everything isn’t terribly boo hoo, unless the only thing you pay attention to is […]

WISB Shorts: Which do you want first?

I’m starting up the WISB Project again.  This year, I am going to finish it.  Through and through.  That means four new short stories set in Traea, and a full novel podcast, with an ebook release.  And to make up for life’s complexities, I will give anyone who donated $5 or more a copy of […]