Film Crit Hulk on the New Yorker? Dumbest Thing of the Week…
(Originally on Google+; cross-posting to amuse myself.) Excuse me while I call this the dumbest thing to hit Geek culture all year that happens to not be some racist or sexist rant of doom. Seriously? Your idea of how the Hulk would speak is to give him remarkably sophisticated diction…but in ALL CAPS? Because ALL CAPS = The Hulk, right? Because The Hulk is a privileged white male teenager having a temper tantrum, but who is remarkably aware of himself as a literary cliche? Here’s how the Hulk would assess Mark Ruffalo’s performance in truth: Funny jokes. Smash good. That’s about it. He’s a man/creature of few words for a reason. That’s why he says all but one (maybe more if you count grunts and roars as words) line in the entire Avengers movie. Pah! This is why Film Crit Hulk works on Twitter, but not on a blog. On Twitter, he seems like he’s actually in Hulk character (or she, if the person behind the persona happens to be a woman). On the blog? Not so much. He’s using “Hulk” as a justification for putting things in all caps (i.e., to be annoying as hell). Meh.