Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Adventures in Worldbuilding: Genealogical Obsessions

For those that don’t know (which might be almost all of you), I have jokingly said that I am working on a 25-novel (1,000-page per book) epic fantasy series. In truth, said series will likely be 4 or 5 books, but that depends on how many subplots I decide to include. Lately, I’ve been trying […]

Black Widow (The Avengers): Late Thoughts on Feminism

I realize that a lot of people have already talked about Joss Whedon’s portrayal of Black Widow in the smash hit The Avengers (and that I’m coming to this quite late).  Jim Hines has an interesting response here that is worth reading.  Much of the discussion has dealt with Loki’s insult (“mewling quim,” which more or […]