Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Sneak Peak: Alphas Episode Promos (Syfy)

The folks behind the marketing campaign for Syfy’s new/returning show, Alphas, have been sending me lots of video links.  I’ve decided to share those with all of you (by “share” I mean “use my blog space to point to things you might have found on Youtube if you had been looking”).  If you have been […]

Adventures in Poetry: “Snow Globe”

Occasionally I will post a poem or some other piece of writing on my blog under the title “Adventures in …”  Why?  Because I like sharing and sometimes I write things that I don’t feel like publishing, for one reason or another.  And if I’m not going to publish it through traditional channels, I might […]

Adventures in Writing: So Begins a New Project (of Doom)

I’ve also started a new writing project, which I’m tentatively calling The Last Fable of Maxine Swansey, which takes place (currently) over three different time periods in a character’s life (1984, 2050, and 2155). I may add more time periods, and possibly other characters across the years inbetween. I don’t know. What I do know […]