ICFA (Are You Going?) and Disappeared Shaun (Temporary!)
Two things: I am presenting at this year’s ICFA (International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts). That means I will be rather busy this week with, well, paper stuff, conference stuff, and stuff stuff. However, if you are attending ICFA and would like to get together, send me an email or leave a message or something. Should be fun! (FYI: I’m presenting a paper on the adaptation of Cloud Atlas. I’m also creating a list which will include that film. Mwahaha.) Due to #1 and to some PhD stuff I need to finish, I am putting the blog on a temporary hiatus. And I mean temporary. At most, I’ll post nothing new until the end of next week. However, I strongly suspect I’ll be back at my old games on Sunday or Monday. In any case, that means all the stuff I had planned to post this week is getting moved until later, including the Retro Nostalgia feature. I just don’t have the time to put my heart into it right now (PhD stuff, conference stuff, and teaching stuff = super busy Shaun). Again, this is temporary. I am not disappearing. This blog will fill up with my nonsense before the end of the month. Promise. And that’s that.