Top 10 Blog Posts for May 2013
And once again, some oldies sprung up out of nowhere and took some spots from the new boys. I don’t know why these posts remain so popular, but so be it. Here’s the list: 10. Shocking Revelations: Pointing Out Racism Doesn’t Mean You Hate White People 9. Link of the Week: Judith Butler Explained with Cats! 8. The Black Guy is Ruining the Fantastic Four Reboot! 7. Movie Review: Star Trek (Why It Sucks and Why Abrams Needs to Stop) 6. Top 10 Cats in Science Fiction and Fantasy 5. The End of Good Writing: The Damage of Twilight, Harry Potter, and Their Friends 4. Shoot the WISB #02: Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Reviewed w/ Paul Weimer and Jay Garmon 3. Silly Reader Questions: Super Powers, Magic, Bathrooms, and Poetry 2. Top 10 Most Ridiculous Moments in Science Fiction and Fantasy Film in the 90s 1. Top 10 Overused Fantasy Cliches I wonder which posts people actually enjoyed reading in May…
Video of the Week: Damsel in Distress 2 — Tropes vs. Women in Video Games (Feminists Rule!)
If you haven’t seen part one, go here. Otherwise, enjoy the continuation of Anita Sarkeesian’s brilliant series on women in video games.