Reading Time

An Announcement: The Week of Joy Continues

After the horror of the weekend, which I will not discuss here, I have decided to continue the Week of Joy throughout the rest of the month.  Thus, July will now fall under the heading, Month of Joy.  For the remainder of this month, I will primarily blog about things that make me happy, and will refrain, as much as possible, from discussing the depressing garbage going on in our community.  Exceptions will exist, of course (I have a post about Jim Carrey coming), but I really want to bleed joy for a while.

And in the interest of making this as wide reaching as possible, I’m going to reach out to friends and writers for guest posts about joyful SF/F-related things.  Expect a lot of content for the remainder of the month!

On that note, I’m going to go teach stuff to students…


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