Announcement — 2010: A SFF Film Odyssey begins in February!
What is it? The SFF Film Odyssey (2010 edition) is the result of a twitter conversation I had last year, in which I remarked that it would be super cool if I could figure out a way to review every SF/F movie released since 2000 in one year. Unfortunately, that’s nearly 1,000 films, and I have three jobs…so clearly that’s impossible. Instead, throughout 2014, I will watch and review every science fiction and fantasy film released in 2010! A more reasonable goal, and one that will give me a reason to go through the years of SF/F film one at a time! What will it entail? Reviews, discussions, and rants about SF/F movies from 2010. I’m keeping away from a single format for these posts in order to add some variation, which will hopefully keep readers interested…and me. A couple caveats: Films that do not have English subtitles or dubs (where relevant) will be removed (I don’t think this will matter, but just in case). Films released straight to DVD do not apply, nor do films which appeared on television, but not in theaters. Films which are sequels will be replaced by the first film in the series (there are only a handful in the list right now). If I have time, I’ll review an entire series. I am sure to miss some films, as my list currently consists of what can be found here and here. There are roughly 63 films there, but if you know of any others that should be considered, leave a comment here or send an email to arconna[at]yahoo[dot]com Films which are not American in origin will be discussed on The Skiffy and Fanty Show blog, which is currently on a World SF Tour. When exactly will it start? It’s possible I’ll get things started next week, but since my laptop will need to go in for repairs on Monday, it may be a little while before I’m able to really dig in deep. On a more realistic note, this thing will likely start around the first or second week of February. And that’s that. So…time to get to work! —————————- *Thanks to Justin Landon for helping me with the name for this feature. He gets three gold stars for his efforts.