Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Month of Joy Begins Now

Given all the grumpiness in the sf/f community and the horrible stuff happening in Ukraine, I am taking the rest of the month off from anything annoying, fiasco-y, douche-y, and so on.  I’m also doing this to gain some perspective, particularly given that I have been part of some of the community-based debates and have […]

Movie Review: Monsters (2010) (A SFF Film Odyssey Selection)

I didn’t realize until pulling up the IMDB page for Monsters (2010) that its writer and director, Gareth Edwards, is also the director of the upcoming Godzilla (2014).  And that makes a ton of sense.  While Monsters is hardly Godzilla-ish in form, it does take what is a painfully small budget for a kaiju film (supposedly […]