I’ve decided to collapse everything into one post so I don’t have to drop a dozen things tonight. Due to time constraints, I have also left out a lot of the explanations and introductions for the various sections, as I wanted to do some more short fiction reading before I submitted my final ballot.
Here’s the full ballot:
Best Novel
I feel like this is one of those categories where no matter what I do, I’ll always miss something. 2013 wasn’t a huge reading year for me, and that means there are just too many bloody novels I didn’t have time to get to. Thankfully, I got to read some exceptional books, even if they are only 1% of the things published in sf/f in 2013. My list:
- The Best of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord
- Sister Mine by Nalo Hopkinson
- The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes
- The Violent Century by Lavie Tidhar
- Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
- “Wakulla Springs” by Andy Duncan and Ellen Klages (Tor.com)
- “Martyr’s Gem” by C.S.E. Cooney (GigaNotoSaurus)
- “Monday’s Monk” by Jason Sanford (Asimov’s)
- “The Waiting Stars” by Aliette de Bodard (self-published)
- “Painted Birds and Shivered Bones” by Kat Howard (Subterranean Press)
Best Short Story
- “The Water That Falls on You From Nowhere” by John Chu (Tor.com)
“Effigy Nights” by Yoon Ha Lee (Clarkesworld)
“Silent Bridge, Pale Cascade” by Benjanun Sriduangkaew (Clakesworld)
- “The Ink Readers of Doi Saket” by Thomas Olde Heuvelt (Tor.com)
- “Walls of Skin, Soft as Paper” by Adam Callaway (Beneath Ceaseless Skies)
- Speculative Fiction 2012 edited by Jared Shurin and Justin Landon
- Feminist Frequency: Tropes vs. Women by Anita Sarkeesian
- Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture by Ytasha L. Womack
- The Agony Column by Rick Kleffel
- SF History Column by Andrew Liptak (at Kirkus Reviews)
- Batman Vol. 1: Court of Owls by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo (DC)
- Avengers, Vol. 1: Avengers World by Jonathan Hickman and Jerone Opena (Marvel)
- Saga, Vol. 2 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples (Image)
- Uncanny X-Men, Vol. 1: Revolution by Brian Michael Bendis, Chris Bachalo, and Frazier Irving (Marvel)
- All-New X-Men, Vol. 1: Yesterday’s X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen (Marvel)
- Pacific Rim
- Her
- Elysium
- The World’s End
- Gravity
Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
- “The Rains of Castamere,” Game of Thrones
- “The Sin Eater,” Sleepy Hollow
- “The Midnight Ride,” Sleepy Hollow
- “Trou Normand,” HannibalI will explain why I picked this episode with an image.
You’re welcome. - “The Poet’s Fire,” The Following
- Djibril al-Ayad
- Fabio Fernandes
- Andy Cox
- Neil Clarke
- Patrick Nielsen Hayden
- Tim Holman (Orbit Books)
- Lee Harris (Angry Robot Books)
- Devi Pillai (Orbit Books)
- Patrick Nielsen Hayden (Tor Books)
- Anne Perry (Hodder)
- Noah Bradley
- Richard Anderson
- Sam Burley
- Kentaro Kanamoto
- Kekai Kotaki
- Interzone
- Clarkesworld
- Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- Strange Horizons
- Apex Magazine
Best Fanzine
- A Dribble of Ink
- Pornokitsch
- The Book Smugglers
- Fantasy Book Cafe
- LadyBusiness
Best Fancast
- The Coode Street Podcast
- The Writer and the Critic
- Galactic Suburbia
- The Incomparable
- The Skiffy and Fanty Show
- Kameron Hurley
- Foz Meadows
- Paul Weimer
- Abigail Nussbaum
- Justin Landon
- Euclase
- Yuumei / Wenqing Yan
- Sarah Webb
- Alice X. Zhang
- Angela Rizza
The 2014 Campbell Award
- Benjanun Sriduangkaew
- Max Gladstone
- Brian McClellan
- Myke Cole
- John Chu
- The Sword in the Stone by T.H. White
- Galactic Patrol by E.E. Doc Smith
- Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis
- The Legion of Time by Jack Williamson
- “The Time Trap” by Henry Kuttner
- “The Black Drama” by Manly Wade Wellman
- “The Sleepers of Mars” by John Wyndham
- “The Loot of Time” by Clifford D. Simak
- “Reunion on Ganymede” by Clifford D. Simak
- “The Dead Spot” by Jack Williamson
- Action Comics #1
- A Christmas Carol (film)
- Flash Gordon: The Planet of Terror (or the whole series)
- Around the World in Eighty Days (radio series)
- The War of the Worlds (radio series)
- The Shadow (radio series)
- John W. Campbell, Jr.
- Mort Weisinger
- Farnsworth Wright
- Raymond A. Palmer
- T O’Conor Sloane
- Imagination!
- Forrest J. Ackerman
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6 Responses
Thank you Shaun
You are most welcome!
You've finally plugged Karen Lord and Nalo Hopkins enough times that I've now ordered books from both of them to try out! But, dude, you have got to read more interesting SF/F graphic novels. Oy vey.
I find my choice of comics interesting, thank you very much. This is just what I like to read, so I'm unlikely to change that.
Hopkinson, though, should be mandatory reading.
I might have been willing to post my ballot if I'd finished it in time for it to possibly be useful, but in the end since I didn't have much on it until last night… I will say there's some serious overlap in our novels list and hooray for Anne Perry.
I was worried I wouldn't be able to fill things out this weekend, due to time limitations. So I understand the worry. But I figure I'd use this as a way to plug the stuff I did love.
Glad we have similar tastes in terms of the novels, though!