Mass Market Paperback Bingo: Pick a Book; I’ll Read and Review It
The title says it all. Since I have a really large collection of unread books, I figure I could have some fun by letting the public pick one from my shelves. Below, you’ll see two pictures from one shelf (front level; there is another level of books behind these). You should be able to open the images to see the larger versions, which will make some of the titles and author names easier to read. Here’s how this will work: You pick a book. You offer a reason for why I should read that book in the comments. Be creative, serious, or confusing. It doesn’t matter. I pick the answer that most pleases me based on utterly random and totally subjective criteria I won’t disclose (basically, it’ll depend on my mood) I’ll read and review the book in question. Some of my shelves may include sequels and the like. If you pick a sequel to a book whose predecessor I have not read, I will read the previous book instead. These shelves used to be in order, but my cat has basically knocked half of the books from this shelf to the floor at some point, and I’ve yet to fix things. If this whole feature is successful, I’ll do it again with another part of the shelf (or a tower of books from elsewhere). So, have at it!
Videos Found: Women in SF w/ Karen Lord, Stephanie Saulter and Naomi Foyle
They need no introduction. Enjoy!