Adventures in England: A Primer (Worldcon / LonCon3 Schedules and the Yorkshire Secession)
If you didn’t know this already, I will be in the lovely country of England tomorrow morning. There are two reasons for this. First, I’m attending Worldcon / LonCon 3, partly because of the World SF Tour on The Skiffy and Fanty Show and partly because I happen to be nominated for a Hugo. Second, I have been hard at work on the secession of Yorkshire from the United Kingdom with other like-minded individuals who believe in the necessity for the return of the Ormian Republic and its attending empire (the Yorkshire Empire, as it were). I will be meeting with several leaders of the Yorkshire Secessionary Front and coordinating the process of land allocation and touristic public relations. Only one of these things is true. I’ll let you guess. In the event that the first is true, I should let you know that I may be on programming. As such, my schedule would look like the following: The Philosophical Mecha (Saturday 15:00 – 16:30, London Suite 3) On The Blogs: Bloggers Discuss their Roles in the World of YA (Sunday 10:00 – 11:00, Capital Suite 16) Writing Post-Colonialism (Sunday 18:00 – 19:00, Capital Suite 9) The Limitless Imagination of Anime (Monday 13:30 – 15:00, London Suite 3) They Do It Differently (Monday 16:30 – 18:00, Capital Suite 3) If you are attending and feeling inclined to visit, please do so. Other things will also be happening at Worldcon, but most of that will be noted on the Skiffy and Fanty Twitter feed. In any case, expect more from me either during my trip OR immediately after (depending on wifi access). I’m also making a video of silliness. It will make the world happy. In the event that the second option is true, it’s likely you will never hear from me again, as I am likely to have been assassinated by the Freedom Fighters of Northumberland.