Review Guidelines Change for 2015: Call for Stuffs
As you may know, The Skiffy and Fanty Show, my magic podcast, is running a new theme throughout 2015: women and non-binary in sf/f. Given that most of what I read ends up on that show in some form or another and that I set a goal to review 50 books this year, I’m going to follow suit. And so, the following changes will take effect as of today: For all of 2015, I will primarily review books by women or non-gendered individuals (or other variations therein). Exceptions will be made here or there for certain writers whose work I simply adore. What I read: Science fiction and fantasy (or anything that is vaguely fantastic; I appreciate what might be called “literary” fiction with a fantastic flourish) Novels marketed for adults, young adults, or middle grade readers (the latter two categories are never sent to me for some reason) Short fiction Other types of work will also be considered if they are related to sf/f in some way (biographies, academic books, essay collections, etc.). That’s pretty much it. Simple. To the point. And on that note, this is my magic open call for people to send me their book things. Novels, story collections, non-fiction books, etc. Anything sent to my email will automatically be considered for The Skiffy and Fanty Show or its blog. Bring it on!