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Announcement: The Migration to WordPress

I wanted to let everyone know that I’ve decided to migrate this blog over to WordPress.  The reasons are pretty simple:  while Blogger gives me more control over the physical space of the blog, WordPress’ features are more functional (better comments, better “read more” function, etc. etc. etc.).  I can also easily get a domain name for this blog through WordPress ($26 for hosting and domain registration ain’t too shabby).

I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, to be honest, but a lot of things kept me from doing so.  For one, I worried it would affect my readership numbers and page rankings.  Second, importing Blogger posts into WordPress used to be fairly limited; they are, thankfully, no longer so.  These mostly seem like trivial things now; the longer I put off switching over, the more difficult it would be.  So…I’m doing it.  Let’s get it over with.  Let’s get me a proper website and make this site less…buggy.

Doing this will mean some changes for the blog — layout, colors, design, etc.  If you’re an RSS subscriber, you shouldn’t have to do anything at all because I still use Feedburner.  If you’re not subscribed via RSS, then keep an eye out, because eventually this space will redirect to a completely different one.

Nothing will happen overnight.  I need some time to get things set up over at WordPress.  I may post a link to ask for opinions in the near future.  Keep an eye out.  Until I’ve made the switch, blogging will continue as usual around here.



2 Responses

  1. Are you using a self-hosted WordPress blog, or a premium site through I used to self-host, but the hackers drove me to There was a mysql exploit that could have easily been fixed if my hosting company had kept their hosted version of mysql updated, but they refused. It was inexplicable. I could have installed mysql myself, ported everything over, and kept it all up to date manually, but I just don't have that kind of time.

    So now I use premium. It's not quite so custom, but I have not been hacked since. I hope to self-host again one day, when I find a better hosting company and (sigh) some time.

    1. I'm going to use and host through them. I doubt I'll use a premium theme, though. The free themes are generally pretty solid. That's what I used for my editing business.

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