Here we go. I’ve been thinking about this for the past month. A number of people have offered their thoughts on what I should do about this blog and my various blogging efforts (thanks!). The following list is a far more compact set of regular (in italics) and irregular features, with the former having a set schedule. I think it’s more focused and better tuned to what I want to be doing in each space. Having a set (but reasonable) schedule is also good for me, since it gives me a structure that isn’t too cumbersome.
Here it is:
- The World in the Satin Bag (this place):
- SF/F Commentary (every other Friday)
- Dispatches from the Trenches / Adventures in Teaching (a column about teaching science fiction; irregular, since I don’t always get to teach science fiction)
- In the Duke’s Sights (once or twice a month; I may move this to Skiffy and Fanty)
- The Skiffy and Fanty Show:
- Book Reviews (irregular)
- Totally Pretentious:
- Around the World (every other Monday)
- Retro Nostalgia (the remaining Mondays)
- The above two columns have been discussed at length on Totally Pretentious.
- Film Lists (irregular; I’ve been doing a list challenge thing with Ian Sales for about a month now, and I intend to keep it going)
- Film Reviews (irregular)
In total, that means a minimum of 7-8 scheduled posts each month (SF/F Commentary, Around the World, Retro Nostalgia, and In the Duke’s Sights) and a smattering of irregular stuff (Dispatches from the Trenches, Book Reviews, Film Lists, Film Reviews, and other stuff that might crop up here or there).
If you have any thoughts about the list, let me know. I start the “cycle” next week with either an Around the World or Retro Nostalgia post on Totally Pretentious, so there’s still some time to fiddle. It may be that the schedule is just a little too lenient and that I should add more (make one of the columns every week or something). What do you think?
Once I get started, I’m going to stick with it for a while. I may add things, but I want to give this a good go — keep the schedule, produce great content, and see where it goes.
In the future, things could change. Maybe I’ll start yet another podcast or sell my left leg for a discarded piece of the Death Star. For now, I’ve got a plan!
Note: I am moving this blog to its own website soon. Dave Baxter has kindly offered to help, so I expect to get the ball rolling on that this week. Don’t expect a new website by Monday, though!
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2 Responses
Good luck, Shaun!