Reading Time

The 2016 Hugo Awards Reading/Watching List (or, My Next Few Months)

Last month, I asked for recommendations for my annual Hugo Awards reading bonanza.  A bunch of you responded with books, movies, TV shows, cookbooks, and so on.  The form will remain open for the next month or so, so if you haven’t submitted anything or want to submit some more stuff, go for it!

So, without further delay, here is the big massive monster list of stuff I’ll be reading or watching for the next few months:




Short Stories:

Dramatic Presentations (Long Form):

Dramatic Presentations (Short Form):

Related Works:

Graphic Stories:



Professional Artists:

Fan Artists:

Fan Writers:


Editors (Short Form):

Editors (Long Form):

Campbell Award Eligible Writers:

Note:  Some suggested works/people were left off because they weren’t eligible or because I couldn’t find them after a quick Google search.  So if something you suggested is missing, that’s likely why.  If there’s an error, resubmit!

Note 2:  There are also plenty of things on my own little list.  They are not included here.



16 Responses

  1. I’ve only read 4 of the novels and 1 novella on that list, and seen 1 movie. At least I have a few of the others on my bookshelves, which I mean to also read over the next few months. I think I’m doing SFF wrong by being so behind the times! :p

  2. If you look at your novel list, you wouldn’t believe that science fiction was written anywhere but America. Where are the British writers like Ian McDonald (Luna) or Dave Hutchinson (Europe at Midnight) or Adam Roberts (The Thing Itself)? Where are the Australian writers like James Bradley (Clade)? If this is typical of what’s being touted for the Hugos, is it any wonder that the rest of the world despairs of that award?

    1. I don’t know how typical this is of suggestions more broadly. These are just the works suggested to me by the folks who dropped stuff in my form. There’s certainly plenty of room for other folks, though.

  3. FYI, Chaos Horizons has declared that both he and the blog are out of the running for a Hugo. There’s a recent post explaining his thoughts on this. Still recommended reading.

  4. I just finished Escape from Baghdad! by Saad Z. Hossain and it will definitely be going on my Hugo nomination form. The author hails from Dhaka, Bangladesh and his novel is laugh out loud funny in a “you have to laugh or you’ll cry” sort of way.

  5. Hey Shaun,

    Thanks for linking up Django Wexler’s story “The End of the War” to our audio adaptation on StarShipSofa. Appreciated!
    Hopefully the story gets longlisted at least!

  6. I don’t know if someone else recommended that webcomic called Seraphim, but I’m pretty sure when I submitted my recommendations, all the rest of which are on this list, I meant to recommend the manga Seraphim by Mamoru Oshii and Satoshi Kon (published and translated into English by Dark Horse this year so should be eligible):

    1. I’m pretty sure that was my mistake. I’ll make a correction and check if he webcomic is actually eligible.

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