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A Gallery of Puerto Rican Lizards

As you may recall, I went to Puerto Rico earlier this year for NASFiC. This was a big deal for me. I’ve never been to the Caribbean, let alone to a Spanish-speaking country; it also preceded the horrible devastation that befell the island not long ago (please donate to the Hispanic Federation if you can). Yup. Caribbean SF scholar. Never been to the Caribbean…until 2017. Go figure.

While I was there, I made a trip to El Yunque, the only tropical rainforest in the United States. The intent? Do some hiking (boy did I hike…) and get some reptile pictures. And so, here I am sharing a few pictures of some of the four-legged, scaled critters I saw. I’ve been unable to ID all of these due to unfamiliarity with PR’s species and being short on time. For sure, there’s one common Puerto Rican amieva (Ameiva exsul; also known as the Puerto Rican ground lizard) and one or two pictures of a Puerto Rican crested anole (Anolis cristatellus cristatellus). If you know any of the others, please let me know in the comments!

Enjoy the gallery!

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